Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Just a short post.

:\ I hate deadlines.


Feel free to login and post.
(which means, LOG IN AND POST NOW.)

ps. tanyeeyan has changed his name to elvintan.

Chocolates and Candies are sweet,
But we're sweet-er.
6Faith, Yours truly -9:07 PM
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
hey guys!
adam here!
this blog is gona be dead guys!
try to come by a post a little?
the password have been changed back :D

theres this outing on
march hols wed.
movies outing. sms me for details :D
90702468 (:
Chocolates and Candies are sweet,
But we're sweet-er.
6Faith, Yours truly -10:53 PM
Sunday, January 24, 2010
All of us have been like, really busy so I've switched back the password to the old one.
(i hope you guys still remember it)

and if I were using this blog for money you'd see a giant 'I SERVE NUFFNANG' button right smack at the most prominent area in this blog.

common sense man.

Well we have this skps alumni group on facebook,
so if you're interested in helping for like the graduation thing for the p6s and everything you're welcome to join. :)

my internet connection sucks now so i can't really access much pages on fb.
D: sorry but you guys gotta search.

Oh and,
there will be a revisit during cny i suppose.
Adam's still planning.


Chocolates and Candies are sweet,
But we're sweet-er.
6Faith, Yours truly -10:24 PM
Monday, October 19, 2009
Hi 6 faith,
due to some threats -cough-
me & adam have decided to change the six faith blog's pw.
Please sms/msn sarah @ 91738798 and respectively if you wish to know the new pw.

Sorry for the inconvenience! D:

Chocolates and Candies are sweet,
But we're sweet-er.
6Faith, Yours truly -4:31 PM
Friday, October 16, 2009
Okay, I'm sorry for all the unhappiness I've caused.
Congratulations to those who helped out in today's graduation thing. :)
Sadly I didn't go ):
Roar. Adam, next time must get news in advance.
Then can arrange to go. x:

Chocolates and Candies are sweet,
But we're sweet-er.
6Faith, Yours truly -11:11 PM
Friday, October 9, 2009
i seriously smell abit of tension here.
@sarah. lax luhhs. i know its the exam weeks but try controling?
not offence.
ok happy things.

bday update.
oct babies are burning a BIG hole in my pocket D:


may god bless u bro ;D


5fa ohheightt. <333

chim, zen, owen & fx's
belated bday celeb after exams.
make urselfs free after exams.
will update on this.
good luck on yr exams ;D

Chocolates and Candies are sweet,
But we're sweet-er.
6Faith, Yours truly -9:08 PM
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I'm sorry for the harsh remarks,
but these few weeks have been pretty rough.

Daniel Ong, I will not tolerate your constant shenanigans here.
If you hate 6 faith that much,
just stop coming back in a vain attempt to screw everything up that you think might actually work.

And whoever screwed up the codes, (not naming names here.So don't go around accusing me of accusing you.)
I have copies of it.

Obviously most of us probably still need children's day since they're still kids.

What a joke.

Chocolates and Candies are sweet,
But we're sweet-er.
6Faith, Yours truly -6:00 PM
Created by sarah

A Lovely Greeting,
Oh, who might you be? Nonetheless, we shall introduce our lovely selves. We're forty-five people who form the preeminent class called six faith. We rolled in sengkangprimaryschool til' the end of 2008. mrsjasminechan is our capable matriarch. sadly we've all went our own ways because we've already graduated, so in memoir of our amazing six years (or at least one) together, we've created this blog to reminisce the good ol' days.

The Phenomenal Ones,
We've presumed that by sheer curiosity you'd want to know who we are exactly.
Click on the names for more info.

Adam, A vocalist who does his best in HolyInnocentsHigh. He is also a baritone saxophonist in the HIHBand!
she's Alina, a hyped-up girl who nurtures her self-control, currently a student of SengKangSecondary.
he's Amzar, a guy with some spunk, proud to be in NorthVistaSecondary.
she's Basyirah, studies in NanChiauHigh, and sings with her melodious voice in the NCHSChoir
Chee Him
he's CheeHim, an adroit CatholicHigh muggerslacker who's beefing up in NCC.
he's Clement, and he's sometimes quite quiet, but he never fails to speak up in NanChiauHigh.
he's Elvin, the smartest guy in class, and can amaze you with his wide range of vocabulary. He is in Raffles Institution.
Fu Yong
he's FuYong, a pretty interesting guy at NanChiauHigh.
he's Gavin, an artist who's animated when he works his fingers and belongs to HolyInnocentsHigh.
Hao Yu
he's HaoYu, and he's originally from China, which explains his exceptional chinese. He's been posted to RiverValleyHigh.
she's Hidayah, a cheery girl who never fails to smile at you. It must be a pleasure for CrescentGirls to have her.
I Wen
she's IWen, a Taiwan-borned intellectual girl who moved back to Taiwan in the midst of her primarysix year.
she's Jacqueline, a pulchritudinous and keen girl at NorthVistaSecondary.
he's Jason, a thoughtful and quick-witted guy in SengKangSecondary.
she's Jean, smart and caring, we'd conclude. HougangSecondary is where she rolls now.
Jing Yi
she's JingYi, a bright and bubbly girl in GreendaleSecondary.
Jia Wang
he's JiaWang, an ingenius guy at XinminSecondary.
Ji Yang
he's JiYang, a guy with the willing-to-learn attitude that most people lack at NorthVistaSecondary.
Jun Long
he's JunLong, fun at times and is now in CompassvaleSecondary.
Jun Ming
he's JunMing, a vertically challenged guy -to put it nicely- in CompassvaleSecondary.
Jun Wu
he's JunWu, an optimistic and convivial guy at NanChiauHigh.
she's Linda, who's very vertically inclined unlike most of us, can be quite solemn at times and is proud to be in NationalJuniorCollege.
he's Marcus, a pretty tall and sporty guy that you probably couldn't outrun. he's in VictoriaHigh and is proud of it.
Mei Yuan
she's MeiYuan, fun-loving and kind, a student in PasirRisSecondary and loving it.
she's Michelle, but we like to call her Mich because it saves text space. she's a pretty unique girl at AnglicanHigh, and a member of the AHS Harmonica Orchestra.
he's Moses, a PeiHwaSecondary boy who doodles at times.
he's Nafiis, a CompassvaleSecondary student who will fight for his right.
he's Owen, tanned and short who has the ability to make you laugh, so beware! he's from AngMoKioSecondary, and also an oboist in the AMKSSBand.
Pei Rou
she's PeiRou, don't try to provoke her or fear her deadly wrath. she's in SengKangSecondarySchool and doesn't care what you think about her.
she's the awesome basketballer too!
he's Raimi, a fun-to-be-around guy who's in CompassvaleSecondary.
she's Sarah, gosh yes, a girl in XinminSecondary. she's in the X'MAS Band.
he's Shawn, a bright, keen & burly guy in SerangoonGardenSecondary.
Si Jia
she's SiJia, an adorable girl in CompassvaleSecondary. she's the flexible dancer there and grooves to the beat.
he's Syarifuddin, a strong guy who's a big fan of football, and studies in CompassvaleSecondary.
she's Syazana, a charming girl in DunmanSecondary.
she's Syazwani, some unique character she's got there in XinminSecondary, and she's the saxophonist in the XMSBand.
Ting Wei
she's TingWei, a happy-bouncy girl in CompassvaleSecondary.
Wei Nyen
she's WeiNyen, a little vain at times, can be funny and studies in ChungChengHigh.
Wei Qi
he's WeiQi, a fan of Halo and studies in PunggolSecondary
Xi Wen
she's XiWen, a bright and intelligent girl in NanChiauHigh.
Yan Ling
she's Yanling, a smart, not exactly mugger-ish NanyangGirls' student.
Yao Hua
he's YaoHua, a cyber and big Halo fan who studies in NanChiauHigh
Yong Quan
he's YongQuan, a sporty guy in SengKangSecondary.
he's Zen, a wacky and sometimes disturbing guy who somewhat resembles a comedian. Studies in AngMoKioSecondary and perks everyone up.


Our Sites,
6Faith 08 Forum
Skps P6 08
6Faith 09


Hey-Hey! (:
This column can only be edited by the Exco.
We'll make ourselves known soon enough, so be patient!

None at the moment.
Sorry! ):

Farts? Every moment?
Email Adam or Sarah.

You know the number.